1. Automatic Recognition of Plugged-in Storage Devices
It will not influence normal usage of USB mouse, printers or other non-storage devices.
2. Automatic Launch & Hidden Running
USSE cannot be deleted, terminated, uninstalled or cracked by anyone except administrators.
3. Client Interface Control Tools
These tools help administrators manage clients and set permissions.
4. Read & Write Control: Read Only, Write Only, Allow & Block Modes
USSE completely controls the read and write permissions of USB sticks, mobile hard disks, digital cameras and other
5. System Infrastructure Level Control with High Response Speed & No System Resource
6. Unique Write Only Feature
Users are only allowed to paste and create files in USB stora
USSE Desktop Edition is a USB port monitoring software developed for small businesses or institutional organizations to strictly control company and personal data security. It is a safe and reliable product that controls reading and writing to USB storage devices in Windows infrastructure level via USB storage protocols, without consuming system resources.
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